Workforce Software Eleveo: Features And Benefits, Plus All You Need To Know

Workforce software Eleveo is a management tool that helps organisations better manage their contact center agents, for maximized output and reduced risks.

Organisations are big and complex, and so also the task of managing them. Heads of organisations need to effectively reduce costs, increase productivity, boost team morale, and automate processes. Doing these at the level of an organisation is tough. The way organisation leaders get this tough work done is through workforce management (WFM) and Workforce Management Software.

Workforce management software help organisations achieve their business goals

What Is Workforce Management?

Workforce management is the system put in place in an organisation to oversee employee activities. This system makes sure that they carry out their duties effectively, and that productivity is maximised and risks reduced in the organisation.

Workforce management begins with the leaders in an organisation who create defined strategic goals, which gives a clear path/direction for how future decisions will be made in the organisation. It is through workforce management that organisations are able to forecast workforce, improve time management, speed up employee scheduling and get analytical insights.

In a contact centre, for example, WFM will help to forecast the volume of contacts  —emails, calls and messages from customers. The organisation can use this insight to put the right skilled agents in place so they will handle the anticipated contact volume.

The leadership duty of crafting a strategic goal for workforce management is crucial, but no less important are the systems put in place to ensure that workforce management is effective and continually achieves an orgnanisation’s strategic goals. Workforce management software are such systems.

What Is Workforce Management Software?

Put simply, workforce management software are tools that help organisations achieve better workforce management. They help organisations to organise workforce policies and to automate tasks within their workforce management system.

With these software, managers of organisations are not just able to effectively deploy their employees, but are also able to manage their time productively, and as a result better achieve the organisation’s objectives with less fuss.

The benefits of workforce software are such that they help organisations to: automate tasks, deploy multi-channel workforce management, improve team efficiencies, gather up-to-date and accurate data about its workforce, reduce cost of operation, foster better customer experience, and spread the workload of administration.

There are many types of workforce management software suitable for different aspects of an organization. One of such is contact centre workforce management software, of which Eleveo is a leading provider.

What Is Workforce Software Eleveo?

Workforce software Eleveo is a workforce optimization software for contact centres designed by Eleveo. Formerly known as Zoom International. For more than 20 years Eleveo has been a leader in providing workforce optimization software for the contact centre industry.

Eleveo exists to provide simple solutions for contact centre problems that are complex. They help give customers an elevating experience whenever they contact a company’s contact centre, thereby decreasing customer attrition and increasing revenue.

Eleveo tries to achieve this by designing software that capture customer sentiment and experience. Software that records contact centre interactions like outbound sales, service requests, healthcare and financial transactions, and provides solutions for regulatory and privacy requirements.

Due to the robustness of its products, Eleveo has earned an 88 Net Promoter Score from its customers and clients. People who use Eleveo include IBM, Vodafone, T Mobile, NBC, The New York Times, Toyota, and many other notable names.

Features of Workforce Software Eleveo

Here are the features that stand Eleveo out:

Conversation Optimizer

Eleveo categorises and sorts omnichannel customer interactions. It has a conversation explorer tool, which is an important part of the Eleveo customer optimization software. Additionally, the software’s search analytics feature makes it easy to find important customer interactions and to review the journey of the customer.

Simplified Scheduling and Forecasting

This is Eleveo’s shift and schedule management feature. The simplified multi-channel and multi-skill scheduling and forecasting helps businesses to create and manage attendants’ schedules, while accounting for factors such as skill sets, agent availability, schedule conflicts, and business requirements.

This way, Eleveo guarantees optimal staffing, while preventing schedule conflicts. The Eleveo software is equally flexible and has an intuitive user experience. This makes the software easy to use by taking away the complexity associated with creating optimised schedules.

Summary of Eleveo Forecasting and Scheduling Features:

  • Multiple Channel Forecasting
  • Adjustment of forecasting
  • AI-powered auto scheduling
  • Easy-to-use drag-and-drop scheduling
  • Clone/copy/paste modification of schedule
  • Adherence to schedule (real-time and standard time)
  • On-site and remote agent scheduling
  • Smartphone iCalendar sync for schedule access
  • Portal for agent’s schedule view
  • Multi-channel/multi-skill scheduling

The presence of the features means that deploying, using, managing, and scaling Eleveo’s WFM tools can be done without the need of a dedicated or data science staff.

Relevant Insights and Analytics

Peter Drucker is credited with the saying that “you can’t manage what you can’t measure,” and this has become a principle in the management world. Eleveo acknowledges this by providing the insight and analytics features, which help clients to easily and quickly manage the metrics that matter.

Benefits of Workforce Software Eleveo

The contact centre industry has key objectives a company’s contact centre should strive to achieve. These objectives relate to customers, agents, and management. The benefits of Eleveo is in helping clients achieve these benefits:

Eleveo Delivers The Service Customers Expect

Some of the KPIs for contact centre customer satisfaction include; First Call Resolution, Average Handling Time, and Average Time In Queue. Eleveo helps businesses to achieve these by helping to achieve proper staffing. This helps them make sure that the right number of agents, with the right skills, are on standby to process calls, emails, and chats at any given time, and to do these very well.

Eleveo Helps You To Attract And Retain Satisfied And Productive Agents

Eleveo helps organisations to manage agent loads, thereby lowering attrition and increasing productivity. It does this by helping managers answer questions such as, how busy are contact our contact centre agents? Are they going from one call to another without breaks because they’re too occupied, or are they sitting idly waiting for the phone to ring? 

Occupancy is an important thing to measure, and Eleveo help organisations do this. It helps managers answer questions like if occupancy is too low or too high, and if employees are experiencing burnout or boredom. This is important since they influence employee retention and satisfaction.

Eleveo Frees Managers To Focus on Activities That Add Value

Company managers cannot do much with their hands always tied. Creating schedules can be tough and time consuming, but mangers can have it easy and can easily create schedules using Eleveo’s drag-and-drop, intuitive scheduling and forecasting interface. This helps managers freeing up time to focus on other activities that add value to the company.

Moreso, Eleveo’s AI-powered Auto Scheduling too makes creating schedules even more easier, and also brings managers peace from knowing that they’re getting the optimum value from their agent resources.

Summary of other benefits of Eleveo

Automation and Simplicity

AI-powered conversation analysis that automatically identifies potential problems in customer interactions, so you can take action before they become bigger issues.

Search Analytics

This helps you find the data you need quickly and easily. The conversation explorer makes it easy to dive into your customer conversations and get the insights you need to improve your business.

Omni Channel Versatility

The conversation explorer is a unique tool that allows you to analyze all of your customer conversations, regardless of the channel, data type, or source, in a single workflow.

Optimization of Employee

Help agents develop their skills, improve scheduling and schedule adherence, and create more accurate forecasts.

Targeted Insight

Turn your call center’s raw data into insights that you can use to improve your team’s performance with our workforce optimization software’s analytics tools.

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